Victoria park Medical Centre Logo
Victoria park Medical Centre Logo Victoria park Medical Centre Logo


Enrolment in the primary health organisation (PHO) is voluntary, but people are encouraged to join a PHO in order to gain the benefits associated with belonging to a PHO, which include cheaper doctor visits and reduced costs on prescription medicines.

~ Ministry of Health, New Zealand

Our fee structure supports this.

While a number of people are eligible for publicly funded health services, not all eligible people are entitled to enrol in a  PHO.  Our reception staff would be more than happy to check your eligibility and entitlement. Note in fees table below: Ineligible = ineligible for publicly-funded health services.

*Please note however, after enrolling, you will be charged at the non-enrolled rate until the your funding from Ministry of Health commences –  it can take up to 1 month before the funding comes through from the Ministry of Health and this is out of our control.

**If you wish, before your appointment, please check with our receptionist if your funding has come through or not.


Standard Consultations (15-minute appointment) with the GP.


Consultation (in-person or virtual)

Under 14 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Non-enrolled but eligible for publicly-funded healthcare Free
Ineligible (e.g. non-resident) $75

14 – 17 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Enrolled AND Community Services Card $13
Non-funded but eligible for publicly-funded healthcare $60
Non-funded AND Community Services Card $55
Ineligible $75

18 – 24 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Funded AND Community Services Card $19.5
Non-funded but eligible for publicly-funded healthcare $75
Non-funded AND Community Services Card $60
Ineligible  $75

25 – 64 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Enrolled AND Community Services Card $19.5
Non-funded but eligible for publicly-funded healthcare $75
Non-funded AND Community Services Card $60
Ineligible  $75

Over 65 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Enrolled AND Community Services Card $19.5
Non-funded but eligible for publicly-funded healthcare $75
Non-funded AND Community Services Card $60
Ineligible $75


ACC Consultations (15-minute appointment) with the GP.

Under 14 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Non-enrolled $35 Free
Community Services Card Free Free

14 – 17 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Non-enrolled $35 Free
Community Services Card $13 Free

18 years and above.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Non-enrolled $35 Free
Community Services Card $19 Free
Consultation Follow up within 1 month

All necessary procedures for ACC consultation (eg wound cleaning and dressing, suturing, bandaging, plaster casting etc) are FREE OF CHARGE at Victoria Park Medical Suites (if your injury is covered by ACC).

Extended Consultations (30-minute appointment) with the GP.

Under 14 years

Ineligible $140

14-17 years.

Enrolled* and Funded** $38
Non-enrolled or First Visit Enrolling $70

18 – 24 years.

Enrolled $55
Non-enrolled or First Visit Enrolling $100

25 – 64 years.

Enrolled* and Funded** $72
Non-enrolled or First Visit Enrolling $140

65 years or over.

Enrolled* and Funded** $57
Non-enrolled or First Visit Enrolling $140

Repeat Prescriptions.

Repeat prescriptions are available at the doctor’s discretion. Certain medications and medical conditions will require a consultation to review the appropriateness and safety of the medication.   In general, repeat prescriptions are not given if a clinical review (of the requested medication) with the patient has not been conducted in the last 6 months.

Under 14 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Non-enrolled $50

14 – 17 years.

Enrolled* and Funded**


Non-enrolled $50

18 and above

Enrolled* and Funded**


(with CSC $19.5)

Non-enrolled $50
Repeat prescriptions

Please allow one working day for repeat prescriptions to be prepared

Specific Services (please also refer to our Services page for details).

Sexual health check by nurse.

*smears are charged separately (see below)

Free (under 25 years)

$50 $50
$25 (25yo or above)  +lab fees

Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen)


$50 $50
Not including consultation with doctor

Cervical screening.


$55 $55
 +laboratory fees

HPV $86.2

Cytology $103.5

Nurse consultation (10 minutes).


$40 $40

Injection fees (eg Depo Provera, Vitamin B12).


$45 $45
Not including consultation with doctor or prescription

IUCD (or Mirena or Jaydess) removal.




Not including pre-removal consultation (a separate 15min consultation)

Jadelle insertion.


$250 $250
Not including pre-insertion consultation (a separate 15min consultation)  +$5 pharmacy charge for medication (Jadelle)  TBC with pharmacy

Jadelle removal.


$250 $250
Not including pre-removal consultation (a separate 15min consultation)

Iron Infusion.

$120 $200 $200
If fulfill clinical criteria +$5 pharmacy charge for medication (injection vials) TBC with pharmacy
Not including consultation with with doctor



$15 $15
Not including consultation with doctor

Punch biopsy of skin lesion.


$150 $150
Not including consultation with doctor  +lab fees

Surgical removal of a skin lesion.

Minimum $300 (exact cost depends time and material needed – to be discussed with doctor prior to procedure)

Minimum $450 Minimum $450
Incl. wound check, dressing change, stitches removal  +lab fees
Not including consultation with doctor



 $70  $70
if eligible under Primary Options For Acute Care (POAC)
$45 otherwise



$50 $50
if requested by doctor
$50 otherwise

Ear syringing.


$70 $70
Not including consultation with doctor

Aclasta infusion.


$180 $180
 If fulfill clinical criteria  +$5 pharmacy charge for medication  TBC with pharmacy

Immigration medical packages.

See Immigration Medical

Insurance medicals (unless payable by Insurance Company).


$220 $220
Not including spirometry / audiometry / blood tests

Travel advice requires a full consultation.

See Travel vaccinations

Prices as per normal 15-minute consultation
Enrolled* and Funded** Non-enrolled but eligible Ineligible